Watch out for floods

Watch out for floods

Watch out for floods

Watch out for floods

Beware of flooding can make you unable to move and get sick. Hearing the word flood, of course, many residents become anxious and worried. During the rainy season, many people start preparing for floods. It’s not certain when the flood will come because it can keep people from moving.

The rainy season is the season most people worry about. It wasn’t the rain that they were worried about but the flood that would overwhelm everyone. Floods come at unexpected times. Can come while sleeping or while you work. Not just one place, but several places were affected by flooding.

Due to the rain ROB water entered

Thejunction-uk – As a result of the flooding, some activities were disrupted and could not be carried out. Traffic was also choked because of the flood that never receded. Some of the houses that were submerged in the floods were evacuated and some survived. Those who survive can only raise their important items in high places.

When the rain subsides, it will certainly make an agitated heart calm again. But that turned out to be the fault of the rain which was no longer pouring ROB water instead. Not waiting for a long time, just a matter of seconds, has made the waterways so fast and has already covered several areas.


clean the drain//move

The high water does not recede. Floods due to ROB can be dangerous for children. If initially, the flood is due to rain, it may not be too severe. But it’s different if flooding from ROB water can cause several diseases and make people susceptible to viruses. Residents, of course, already know the types of common diseases for flooding, such as:

Water fleas
Skin disease
Respiratory tract infection
Have a cold
Water fleas
Fever and many others.

Hearing of the disease will certainly make people panic easily and at a loss. But this can be overcome as long as you can start maintaining your health and also use boots during a flood.

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