Overcoming floods in the city of Pekalongan

Overcoming floods in the city of Pekalongan

Overcoming floods in the city of Pekalongan

Overcoming floods in the city of Pekalongan

Overcoming floods in Pekalongan city is the main thing in maintaining and preventing another overflow. As you all know, at the beginning of the new year 2023 several districts and cities of Pekalongan were flooded. Due to the continuous heavy rain. Make the reservoir not strong enough and the flooding becomes severe.

Hearing the word flood is a sign of unexpected sadness. Of course, many residents hope that the flood that hit their area will recede and not come again. Almost all their directives and activities are prepared to deal with floods in 2023. Prevent flooding from coming again, of course, it can be prevented with the correct steps. Beginning with giving directions to all residents and several government employees in Pekalongan.

Temporary solution

Thejunction-uk – They have done various ways to prevent flooding. By installing several water pumps at each flood point. Maybe setting up a pump would be a quick alternative. But the floods that hit residents were not just at one point. So preventing flooding requires a lot of pumps.

Apart from preparing pumps, the government is also preparing an emergency alternative, namely breaking down the barrier that leads to the beach. This temporary opening of the embankment is being carried out so that the flood recedes quickly and does not cause the residents any more difficulties. hearing such a solution will certainly have to bear some unexpected losses.

Do river cleaning

Must prepare repairs to the embankment if it is forced to break and be prepared to face sea water which sometimes rises. Of course, it costs a lot of money. In order not to experience losses and for the city to be safe from flooding, the local government said to clean up the rivers and fro.

looking for the best solution//flood

If successful, the drainage and river water returns to normal, then the stored water can flow smoothly and there is no need to experience flooding problems again. To carry out these activities, of course, the mayor invited some of the top staff to discuss the problem of flooding that occurred in Pekalongan City and the Pekalongan Regency.

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